Bane of Arthropods
Enchanting Apparatus Recipe
Pedestal Items:
Spider Eye
Spider Eye

Source Gem Block
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Item to be enchanted
The Enchantment Bane of Arthropods at level 1 will be applied to your item
Enchanting Apparatus Recipe
Pedestal Items:
Spider Eye
Spider Eye
Spider Eye

Source Gem Block
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Item to be enchanted
The Enchantment Bane of Arthropods at level 2 will be applied to your item
*The item needs to have the previous level of the enchantment
Enchanting Apparatus Recipe
Pedestal Items:
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye

Source Gem Block
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Item to be enchanted
The Enchantment Bane of Arthropods at level 3 will be applied to your item
*The item needs to have the previous level of the enchantment
Enchanting Apparatus Recipe
Pedestal Items:
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye

Source Gem Block
Source Gem Block
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Item to be enchanted
The Enchantment Bane of Arthropods at level 4 will be applied to your item
*The item needs to have the previous level of the enchantment
Enchanting Apparatus Recipe
Pedestal Items:
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye
Fermented Spider Eye

Source Gem Block
Source Gem Block
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Block of Lapis Lazuli
Item to be enchanted
The Enchantment Bane of Arthropods at level 5 will be applied to your item
*The item needs to have the previous level of the enchantment